A Comic Readers Guide To The MCU: Where Are The Inhumans?

Written by Luke Barnes

Hi folks, in this new series of articles I am trying to merge two of my main passions into one easy to read piece, a true labor of love. I am currently in my mid-twenties and have been reading Marvel comics since I was young, I have read others besides but I know Marvel well and so decided to make a series of posts wherein I talk about concepts, ideas, and possibly upcoming stuff from or to the MCU and try and give you a bit of a comics background and explain my own thoughts on where these things are going. I hope you enjoy.

Where are the Inhumans?

Within the pages of Marvel comics the Inhumans are second only to Mutants in terms of importance, remember that as it will come back around later. The Inhumans and the Royal Family in particular have featured in a number of different stories and runs over the years, some incredibly important to the comics that are inspiring where the MCU is heading, so the question I want to explore today is where are they in the MCU? Are they coming or have they been replaced?

As it stands a number of elements which would seemingly herald the arrival of the Inhumans are set up in the MCU, namely the Kree, and Black Bolt, played by Anson Mount, did appear in last year’s Doctor Strange film as a member of the Illuminati before getting offed. However, Kamala Khan, played by Iman Vellani, a key Inhuman figure in the comics was made a mutant for her show so this then begs the question are the Inhumans being replaced by mutants within the MCU? This wouldn’t be outside of the realms of possibilities as one of the main reasons the Inhumans have been pushed so much in the comics over the last decade was as a replacement to the X-Men due to Marvel not wanting to push properties they didn’t own, bar Spider-Man, too much in the comics department, allegedly. I also think the creatives at Marvel are still keenly aware of how much of a disaster the Inhumans show was for them and are wanting to distance themselves from it, but with the return of Mount’s Black Bolt this suggests that maybe the door is open to the Inhumans in the future. I think it would be very foolish to not have the Inhumans show up somewhere down the line, be that for the eventual main timeline Illuminati or for Secret Wars. If I am being real with you I think the Inhumans could be said to be existing in the world of the MCU currently but just that we don’t find out about them till later. So to sum up the question I think they will come eventually but that for now mutants are the MCU’s main focus.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this third edition of the Comic Readers Guide To The MCU if you have any suggestions for future topics then please get in touch.    

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A Comic Readers Guide To The MCU: Exploring The Unknown Regions

Written by Luke Barnes

Hi folks, in this new series of articles I am trying to merge two of my main passions into one easy to read piece, a true labor of love. I am currently in my mid-twenties and have been reading Marvel comics since I was young, I have read others besides but I know Marvel well and so decided to make a series of posts wherein I talk about concepts, ideas, and possibly upcoming stuff from or to the MCU and try and give you a bit of a comics background and explain my own thoughts on where these things are going. I hope you enjoy.

Unexplored Locations In The MCU

I was recently watching a Youtube video about the MCU and it struck me that it is very America centric. Yes there has been some recent exploration, with Wakanda, Talokan and London, but for the most part there are a lot of well known comic locations that still remain undiscovered in the MCU and this article of the Comic Readers Guide To The MCU wants to be the first to plant their flag in these locations and talk about how they may come into the MCU in the near future. For the most part this will be specific to the Earth of Marvel comics and not talk about space stuff and different dimensions.

The first two locations I want to talk about are tied into the Fantastic Four and will likely arrive along with them, the first is Ancient Egypt, which we have a link to through the Moon Knight show, but we haven’t seen a film set there yet or dealing with those sort of characters. This is where I think the Fantastic Four film will be set, I think it will have the team travel back in time to Ancient Egypt, with their powers as it isn’t an origin movie, and fight Rama-Tut, the Kang variant, no doubt beating him but also somehow getting stuck there which will then provide a reason for their absence thus far.

The next location is Latveria, which as many of you will know is the homeland of Victor Von Doom. Now we know that Doom is coming to the MCU as he kind of has to if the Fantastic Four exist and everything is building to battleworld as seems to be the hinted destination. Latveria is a nation ruled for vast points in the comics by Doom as a sort of God Emperor/protector somewhat like Black Adam in DC comics, and it is a very important location for the MCU to include. I would guess that Latveria will either appear as a sort of neighbour to Sokovia or perhaps it will be ignored entirely and Sokovia will become a direct stand-in for Latveria, though I don’t think this would be a popular choice.

Our next stop is The Savage Lands, which for those unaware is somewhat of a land time forget in Marvel comics. It has dinosaurs and the people who reside there have a caveman/cave woman sort of dress sense. Famously it is the domain of Ka-Zar, the Tarzan of Marvel comics, and has links to the Eternals. There are rumours that the Thunderbolts film next year may take place, at least partially, there and may introduce this location into the MCU but as for now its dinosaurs remain undiscovered.

Finally there is Arthurian Britain. Yes, I will be the first to admit this is somewhat of a deep cut and I only decided to include it as I am a big fan of Black Knight and Captain Britain. This one is the most obvious and the one that will require the least description as most of you reading this will have seen at least one King Arthur film in your time. Anyway, if the MCU decides to give Dane Whitman’s Black Knight his own spinoff series, as it should, then it may be interested in showing the origins of his sword The Ebony Blade which was forged by Merlin out of a meteorite and was wielded by the original Black Knight from Arthurian legend.

So there we have it four possible Marvel comics locations that may soon be coming to the movies. I hope you have enjoyed reading this second edition of the Comic Readers Guide To The MCU if you have any suggestions for future topics then please get in touch.    

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A Comic Readers Guide To The MCU: The Council Of Kangs

Written by Luke Barnes

Hi folks, in this new series of articles I am trying to merge two of my main passions into one easy to read piece, a true labor of love. I am currently in my mid-twenties and have been reading Marvel comics since I was young, I have read others besides but I know Marvel well and so decided to make a series of posts wherein I talk about concepts, ideas, and possibly upcoming stuff from or to the MCU and try and give you a bit of a comics background and explain my own thoughts on where these things are going. I hope you enjoy.

Spoilers for the end of Ant Man and The Wasp Quantomania

Okay so at the end of the film we see a lot of different variants of Jonathan Majors’ Kang, in what comics readers will know as the Council of Kangs, these are a group of different Kang variants that work together and that at least in the comics was lead by Prime Kang, though really it was Immortus who was calling the shots, having Prime Kang kill off all the divergent versions of Kang so that he would become Immortus down the line. Fairly confusing time travel nonsense. As it pertains to the MCU the Council of Kangs will effectively be a source of villains for the various upcoming films and will no doubt be further explored and have its origins and members better explained as time goes on. It is important to note that not all of the Kangs are alike and also that they don’t always work together, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see one break off and help out the Avengers a little down the line.

Some fairly big questions and theories for the MCU going forward.

Now we know that the Council Of Kangs is the direction the MCU is heading in a few things are fairly certain. One, Iron Lad the kid version of Kang that doesn’t want to grow up to be a villain and who is a member of the Young Avengers in the comics is a lock. Two, I would not be surprised to see Rama-Tut, the ancient Egyptian Kang, be the villain for the upcoming Fantastic Four film. It would make sense to kick Doctor Doom down the road for a sequel, especially as we know the film won’t be an origin for the group so he doesn’t need to feature.

My question for you all that I will leave this article on is how do the Council of Kangs and Victor Timely, another version of Kang, relate to He Who Remains, who many people thought was Immortus, and why didn’t he mention the Council to Sylvie or Loki in that show. Was he another rogue variant on the run from the council?

I hope you enjoyed this new idea for my blog that mixes my twin muses of films and comics together, if you have any ideas for future topics or things you would like me to talk about please do write to me and let me know.

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